The North East Timber Trade Assocation dinner in Hull generated over £10,000 for the Timber Trades’ Benevolent Society.

A ‘silent auction’ held through the evening raised £8,275 and a table collection brought in the balance of the evening’s substantial donation to the Society.

Among the 26 items in the auction, which was co-ordinated by BSW Timber director of sales and marketing Alan Wheat, were a rugby shirt signed by Jonny Wilkinson, tickets to Manchester Utd vs West Ham, the FA cup final and concerts by Rod Stewart and Lionel Ritchie and a balloon flight.

Also up for grabs was a parachute jump. Chris Davidson of Gill & Robinson won this and promised to do it to raise more cash for the TTBS.

NETTA chairman Pat Burke presented some of the funds raised in the form of a giant cheque to TTBS president Barbara Cartwright.