The most comprehensive selection of timber frame panel possibilities at Ecobuild was to be found on the stand of Howarth Timber Engineering (HTE).

It demonstrated dozens of different panel cross-sections showing various wall depth and insulation combinations, with U-values clearly displayed to show how builders could help meet Code for Sustainable Homes levels 3 and 4 with mainstream construction methods.

Information boards showed photos of the systems in use.

The pressure to achieve lower U-values and increasing use of PIR rigid insulation in timber frame was clearly evident.

“We are trying to offer choice,” said managing director Roger Smith. “People have different requirements, so rather than show one answer we have a full range of options.”

HTE also launched its Firebreak panel, as a response to concerns over timber frame fire safety during construction. The Class O fire-resistant and water-resistant panel is factory-applied to the internal face of party walls.