Concern that there will not be enough capacity to meet new heat treatment regulations for pallets and packaging has led kiln manufacturer Nardi and its agent Woodtech Machinery to offer special “deferred payment” terms to UK and Irish customers.

The companies believe that some businesses are delaying investment in heat treatment kilns because of uncertainty over the exact date on which countries outside the EU will implement the legislation incorporating ISPM15.

Woodtech Machinery managing director Justin Peckham said: “It’s understandable that they don’t want to spend money earlier than necessary, but if everyone leaves it until the last minute there could be real problems – both in terms of installed kiln facilities being insufficient to meet demand for heat treatement and in terms of kiln manufacturers’ ability to supply the number of kilns needed in the limited time available.”

He said that under the new scheme customers who ordered a kiln before January 2 next year could take delivery on payment of a deposit, and delay paying the balance until later in the year if the implementation of ISPM15 in North America is delayed.”