Paul Martin, director-general of the TTF
I am from time to time asked what precisely TTF members get in return for their subscriptions. Such enquiries multiply when our annual invoices go out each January.
Events in the past two weeks have served to remind those of us in the TTF offices and our members why our trade needs a trade association. We have been heavily involved in legal actions on two fronts, one concerning a contractual dispute and the other an environmental/CITES matter. Both have involved the Federation’s staff and our legal advisers in very long hours seeking to represent our members’ interests.
We’ve also launched a service for members providing free legal advice up to the court action stage in return for the TTF paying a retainer to the legal firm.
On the government front, we had an immensely encouraging speech from the UK Forestry Minister at our annual dinner, we continue to be involved in preparations for the World Sustainability Summit and we are preparing for a meeting with the Indonesian Forestry Minister, when we hope to take forward a proposed bilateral agreement between our members and the Indonesia trade to combat illegal logging.
We are also heavily involved in planning for our EGM next month to adopt our Code of Conduct and the following launch and marketing of the Code.
And underlining the mixture of activities of a modern trade federation, we’ve also recently had enjoyable and relaxing evenings at the Federation Dinner and the NWTTA Dinner in Liverpool !