In June 2015, 30 organisations came together to launch the Confederation of Timber Industries (CTI). Six months on, the new organisation has doubled in size, providing it with an even bigger platform to deliver its vision: one campaigning voice, which will help develop a vibrant and increasingly prosperous industry.

To ensure this vision materialises, the CTI Board recently examined where the industry is now and could be in coming years. This culminated in the recent strategic plan for 2015-2017, which is going to address four strategic themes: stakeholder engagement, growth, skills and sustainability ( The timber supply chain is pretty fragmented and, until now, has not had a single industry voice on policy issues that matter. The CTI will engage with governments and parliaments to help build support for issues such as growth, skills and sustainability. Activities so far include our inaugural stakeholder conference, with contributions from ministers, parliamentarians, industry executives and other key stakeholders. And events are being planned by a new parliamentary group for the timber industries.

Industry dialogue with government on incentives for growth has been quite limited as various sectors have had to deal with tough economic times and are only just starting to show some growth.

To help increase timber use, the CTI will assess markets and start developing new incentives, local government partnerships and alliances with construction and manufacturing sectors.

Unless other steps are taken, as the industry grows it will exacerbate the existing skills shortages and education system gaps. Not enough young people are looking for work in the timber industry. On top of that, the provision of further and higher education courses is fairly minimal across the country and there aren’t enough apprenticeships in the supply chain. The CTI will assess needs and support the launch of new timber related courses for young people, as well as help increase apprenticeships. We will encourage more into a timber sector career by helping develop ambassadorial schools supply-chain wide.


Our board’s stocktake also found we could do more to develop a credible place at the forefront of the low carbon society. The CTI will promote the case for low carbon footprint and further contributions to the UK’s carbon reduction targets. We will also support members in ensuring consistent application of existing certification standards and improve implementation of timber-related regulations in the EU.

There’s a lot to be done in the next few years. In the short term, CTI supporters will present the board’s findings and recommendations to government at our inaugural stakeholder conference in May.

It will take a while for the CTI to develop further and become a self-sufficient independent entity, but the building blocks are in place. We’ve made substantial progress already. Not even in my wildest dreams did I picture an industry landscape with such a degree of support in six months time. I do hope more organisations will join the CTI network and help us continue to take baby steps to a brighter future for the benefit of the whole timber supply chain.