ConFor has strengthened its team with two new appointments.

Paul Sizeland has filled the new position of productivity executive. He will work with companies in the industry to help them introduce productivity improvements through workforce development, product innovation, new technology and research and development.

Mr Sizeland has a background in forestry and natural resources management, and for the past three years worked for the Scottish Environment Protection Agency as senior business consultant responsible for strategic and performance management frameworks.

Jean Finlayson has joined ConFor, taking over as co-ordinator for the Scottish Forest Industries Cluster, organising the cluster’s events, communications, exhibitions and wider activities.

Most recently, Ms Finlayson was part of the team that developed international relations in the Royal Society of Edinburgh, making links between researchers in Scotland and overseas as well as stakeholders in Scotland. She has worked with the European Commission in Brussels and Tokyo, and has a degree in agroforestry.