Last year I was fortunate enough to win the highly commended award under the Commercial Project of the Year 2023 at the Trussed Rafter Association’s (TRA) Roofscape Design Awards 2023, which recognise projects that showcase the highest standards in design, innovation and sustainability in the use of timber trussed rafter roofs.

The award was for my innovative work on a Laser Quest project. The brief consisted of “creating a fun and immersive environment in a relatively limited space by designing two ramped areas for players to move around”.

Having worked with the client previously, I was aware of the level of detail required for this project. I wanted to use my knowledge of trussed rafter technology and push the boundaries to provide an innovative design solution for the client.

Putting yourself out there and submitting your design to win an award can be quite nerve-racking, especially when you know you stand a chance of being recognised on an industry-wide scale. Early in your career, it can be difficult to envisage getting to such a point.

Like many students, I struggled to _nd work after leaving college. However, an advert from Minera Roof Trusses for a designer vacancy caught my attention. Having read the requirements, I believed my studies in pure and statistical mathematics design technology alongside computing and electronics would make me the ideal candidate for the role.

When we are fresh into the world of work, everything can be daunting. We watch the news and learn about unemployment rates and the increased cost of living; everything is negative and causes concerns. That’s why if you are new to a career in truss design it is important to be aware of your personal skills and passion, as these will stay with you, and you can always improve on them.

Truss designers need several skills to do well. The job requires a combination of technical and transferable skills such as industry terminology, the ability to use AutoCAD software, staying updated on building codes, and strong attention to detail.

For those looking for somewhere to start, why not consider an apprenticeship scheme that allows you to study while working at the same time? Many apprenticeships now include green skills that help you gain an understanding of reaching net zero.

Can you imagine seeing your design come to life and realising the roof you designed was being used to protect the property’s inhabitants? In my case, for my client’s Laser Quest site, I used my knowledge and experience with designing metal web joists capable of carrying high imposed loads that were positioned on top of _at roof trusses.

Later, I learned I could improve the players’ experience by adding a ramp inclining to a _at area, and a declining slope. I was able to ensure the players were safe while on the ramp, as I had added in stubbed mono trusses with guard rails.

It is extremely rewarding to see the areas seamlessly integrate, and the chance to see the design after it was built is remarkable.

I strongly encourage graduates or those looking for a new role to consider your personal interests, passion, and skills. I am an example of a graduate who believed in myself and followed my passion – isn’t it time for the next generation to start believing in themselves?


Are you considering a career in truss design? If so, visit the Trussed Rafter Association’s website for further information on the different opportunities available.

The TRA’s Roofscape Design Awards 2024 will be open for entries in January 2024. Visit the TRA website for further details.