Vinyl-wrapped kitchen and bedroom door manufacturer Browns 2000 has ordered four SCM Ergon twin-table CNC machining centres in a £1m investment.

The order is the Cramlington-based company’s second bumper investment in just over a year, the other being a £2.45m purchase of machinery, including 11 Ergons.

SCM claims the latest purchase will give Browns 2000 “probably” the highest capacity of any MDF door manufacturer in the UK and Europe.

Browns 2000 managing director Peter Brown said Browns 2000’s existing Ergon machines had revolutionised door production and a large order intake had meant more were needed.

He decided to buy the additional Ergons for nesting of doors from a full-size MDF sheet, replacing five older machines. He said they offered 40% more production over other CNC machines.

The new Ergons will have two aluminium tables, each 3100x 2200mm for accepting 2600/2800x 2050mm MDF sheets.

Each machine has two high-speed routing units, both with a 12-station tool changer fed by an additional capacity 24-station tool changer. The electronic floating Syncron copying system is employed on each head.

The independent X-axes means the two heads can be programmed to work together on one table, while the other table is unloaded and re-loaded. The heads can also work independently.

Browns 2000 has also just installed an SCM TOPSET XL seven-headed planer/moulder for production of MDF mouldings.