The jobs at AJ Scott, a contract worth more than £4m, and Pontrilas Timber underline the fact that the UK is the most important export market for Brodbaek.

Brodbaek’s Claus Hesel said business prospects for 2007/08 were very good. He reported “stacks” of customers at Ligna.

On display were Brodbaek’s BCO 500 chipper canter for log diameters of 100-600mm with a line speed of 35-120m/min. Within the past six months, six of these have been sold to customers in Ireland, Germany and Spain.

Also on the stand was the high capacity BCO Speed Feeder, which has been improved with optimised grip functions. The model has already been sold to several customers in the UK and Germany as part of a restacking, end-trimming and stacking line.