Welcome to the new look TTJ. And, of course, as you’ll have read in our past few editions, it’s not just the look that’s changed. After the launch of our daily-updated website, ttjonline.com, we’ve also made the TTJ a fortnightly publication. The website is designed to be a quick read and reference tool, with an e-mail newsletter alert sent out to subscribers every week, flagging up the latest breaking stories. You just click on the story that grabs your interest in the newsletter and you’re taken direct to the story on ttjonline.com. The new format magazine, meanwhile, is designed to be read at your leisure and will continue to carry our time-honoured mix of market information, company and personality profiles, technical features, readers’ letters and general stories about people in this industry. TTJ will also have a strong news section, but with the addition of ready references to stories carried in ttjonline.com. The two are designed to operate very much in tandem. Combined, they deliver more information each week than we’ve ever done before.

Obviously such radical changes may come as a bit of a shock to systems. A couple of readers have already said they’ll miss a new ‘hard copy’ edition of TTJ magazine each week which they can read at their convenience and, occasionally, on it! I have to admit that, short of investing in a long telephone cable so you can take your lap top into the smallest room you can’t access ttjonline.com and attend to a call of nature simultaneously.

But, and I’m not being flippant, we have tried to address this sort of concern seriously and to design the new TTJ package to be a user-friendly business tool. You can dip into ttjonline.com any time to access latest news, call up previous articles from earlier editions of TTJ and access information about people and businesses via our online Address Book. And you can read the new TTJ magazine at your desk, in your favourite armchair, on the train or plane, at your convenience, or wherever else takes your fancy…