Confor, Defra, the Forestry Commission and the National Measurement Office are organising the seminar to explain how the regulation, which will go live on March 3, 2013, will be implemented in the UK.

Confor has been campaigning to highlight that the British forestry and timber trade was low-risk and should only need a simple compliance mechanism, based on felling licensing.

The UK government has already accepted Confor’s points but there have remained some doubts on the exact wording and application of the final legislation.

A recent European Commission meeting in Brussels has helped to clear things up by stipulating that “operators” needing to operate a due diligence system are the person/business that owns the timber when it is felled, regardless of whether the wood is then sold or is processed by themselves.

Confor has liaised with the Forestry Commission to establish that the felling licence system can be used as a key element in the due diligence system.

“With the legislation set to come into force on March 3, it is vital that businesses are aware of this issue and that the system is in place,” Confor said.

Seminar places are limited. For more information contact Confor on 01668 213937.