Without the accreditation, Muir said it would not have been able to sell its products, not even to its own sister company Muir Homes, which uses the trusses in the production of its new build properties.
All of the major housebuilders have to buy CE-certified trusses as from July 1 and many truss fabricators across England have also achieved the CE mark in preparation for the deadline.
"We are absolutely delighted to achieve this vital accreditation on which rests the very livelihood of our employees," said Muir managing director James Macdonald.
"This accreditation exists to prove that products are fit for purpose," he added.
"Products which are manufactured, designed and supplied in the correct way can display the CE mark, a mark we are all used to seeing on a range of products, including electrical items.
"The European Union has approved a new harmonised standard for timber trusses and it is to this that we must now adhere." The CE mark accreditation involved a rigorous eight-hour examination of Muir by auditor BM TRADA.
The company can now use CE marking, clearly labelling each truss before it leaves the factory.
"Overall, it has been very good for aligning our business processes and will assist in improving the bottom line. It has also led to greater understanding for everyone within the team of the importance of quality control, of where your raw materials come from and how your finished product is created."
Launched in 1975 and now based in a modern 30,000ft2 facility in Inverkeithing in Fife, Muir supplies doors, glazed screens, timber frames and roof trusses for private and social housing, offices, healthcare facilities and commercial developments.
The company invested £2m in new technology two years ago and is now able to produce 2,000 units annually, manufacturing both open and closed panels systems.
Muir achieved Environmental Standard ISO 14001 last year.