As well as the kits for the Lockerbie 3 bandsaws, James Jones has also signed a service contract with Söderhamn Eriksson.
Vision Tilt controls saw blades by tilting the bandsaw wheels.

The equipment includes a Vision camera protected on the return side of the saw blade, monitoring the saw teeth position in relation to the band wheel’s front edge, correcting the saw’s position on the band wheel.

Söderhamn Eriksson says the technology minimises wear and improves sawing accuracy.

"We have visited a number of Swedish mills where Vision Tilt has already been installed and are confident that the systems will provide benefits within our Lockerbie 3 line," said Eddie Balfour, general manager of the Lockerbie site.

"Improved sawn accuracy and longer service life for bandsaws are the main advantages which we hope to achieve."

Surveillance images from all saws are displayed on a screen, with the system alerting the operator to faults such as saws showing signs of immiment rupture.

The Söderhamn Eriksson installation is the latest in a long line of James Jones investments in the Swedish company’s technology. Söderhamn Eriksson built sawmill lines at all four of James Jones’s mills.

The Lockerbie 3 line has full 3D optimisation on the saw line for both log and cant positioning and also two high-speed optimising Exeltec edger lines.