The North Wales-based company bought two Alterndorf sliding table panel saws just a few months ago and has now bought and installed another two Altendorfs (F45s), as well as two Salvador Superpush 200 Optimising Crosscutting systems.

The new machines will provide additional capacity, accuracy and speed to the Westbridge factory operations at Deeside and Holywell.

Both Salvadors were specified with automatic outfeed collecting planes – a rotating inclined table which collects the cut material and ejects it from the machine pre-stacked for the operator. A waste trapdoor removes off-cuts from the line.

"The system saves time, operator energy and therefore money right from the point of installation," said Westbridge’s Neil Rodgers. "The difference between this and our old manual system is like night and day."

Westbridge supplies independent furniture stores and high street retailers.