Applications for £5,000-£50,000 are invited from UK organisations in the sustainable forestry/timber sectors. Proposals must be submitted via the application form available via by November 17, 2024.

For the first round of funding, FSC UK is particularly keen to fund proposals that focus on:

  • improving forest management for a range of ecosystem services and/or developing markets for these services
  • promoting the use of sustainably managed timber in the construction sector
  • either the benefits of well-managed forests or the impacts that well-managed forests have

Applications are encouragedwhich combine the priorities above – such as a project linked to the provision of timber for the construction sector where the associated management within the forest is driving improved timber quality and/or biodiversity and/or social/cultural improvements. FSC UK welcomes applications involving smallholders/farmers, community-based projects and social enterprises.  

A small committee of FSC UK staff and three FSC UK Board members (one from each chamber: environmental, social and economic) will assess applications and then agree (by consensus) the selected projects.

“We hope the Fund will support and tap into the knowledge, experience and innovation within the sustainable forestry and timber community to the benefit of the wider forestry sector,” said FSC UK board member, Mike Bekin.

For more information about the FSC UK Impact Investment Fund, visit