UK forestry minister Mary Creagh, who Confor’s CEO Stuart Goodall and industry leaders met in Liverpool at the Labour Party conference, has provisionally agreed to be the keynote speaker.

The 2024 conference on December 5 is called Green Growth Through Forestry and Wood and will take place once more at the QEII Centre at Westminster.

Last year’s event saw the launch of the National Wood Strategy for England, following on from the publication of a Timber in Construction Roadmap. Confor believes it is vital to the success of the sector that these key documents continue, and there will be updates on both at the conference, as well as the latest news on a sector skills plan.

Last year there was an expectation that strategies on deer and grey squirrels may soon be published, and the minister will be asked for an update on these.

The conference will also hear from senior representatives from Forestry Commission and Welsh government, as well as hear an international perspective on forestry and timber from Ross Hampton, executive director of the International Sustainable Forestry Coalition, and Paul Brannen, director of public affairs for the European Confederation of Woodworking Industries (CEI-Bois). Confor is also re-establishing its All-Party Group at Westminster, and we hope to hear from its new chair.

“A great deal of vital work has been done in the past few years to promote the industry and highlight the importance of a reliable, sustainable home-grown timber supply for the UK – future timber security has not been given the importance it deserves,” said Stuart Goodall, Confor chief executive.

“Forestry and timber have a significant part to play in helping the new Labour government meet its economic and environmental goals. We are an industry worth £3bn to the economy, providing low-carbon materials for Labour’s ambitious house building programme, forging ahead on net zero, continually creating jobs and investing in a skilled workforce. There is scope for much more investment and growth if the government can work with Confor to provide the confidence that industry needs.”

The conference is kindly sponsored by Scottish Woodlands Ltd, Tilhill Forestry (BSW Group) and Gresham House.