Marketing in a recession … many of us are doing just that. In fact there is a belief that when the economy turns down it’s time to turn up your promotional activity to let customers know your still fighting your corner and to differentiate yourself from the competition. If you are, then I want to hear from you about your tactics.

Assuming you still have one of course, how are you making your budget go further and work harder ? I’m anxious to hear from anybody who is managing to keep business going on a shoestring, or a bit more. Or are you one of the lucky few with a decent sized marketing pot? Whatever your position, you’re inevitably going to have to think outside the box and be ultra creative and ultra cunning to make things happen. Short-term plans and quick thinking are probably order of the day. There will be many interesting (and possibly amusing) stories to tell and we want to tell them. How? By publishing a series of reports in TTJ about enterprising and original use of marketing money. It will make very interesting reading and hopefully we can all learn something positive from the experience.

And as a grand finale we plan to use three of the best case studies as finalists for the 2009 TTJ Excellence in Marketing Award – you could even end up as winner as a reward for your efforts! Win that and you really will have something worth promoting…and all at no cost to yourself which is something most of us can only dream about right now.

You can contact me on on 020 8269 7778, e-mail or click on the reply bubble on the right of this page.