The SCA Group has 6 business areas: wood products, forestry, pulp, paper, energy and logistics. The common name ‘SCA’ clearly integrates all business areas into a unified SCA Group.

SCA said the company name change from SCA Timber Supply Ltd to SCA Wood UK Ltd better describes the product SCA works with and is well understood in the global markets in which SCA operates.

In connection with these changes, the names of the different parts of the UK organisation will also change. SCA Timber Supply will therefore become Building & Supply Solutions and SCA Timber Mill Sales will become Industrial Solutions.

The new names are intended to emphasise the focus on SCA’s value chains more clearly.

“Our customers and suppliers will still meet the same contacts at our company and we will still work with our valued partners to provide the same high quality products and services as before,” said John Griffiths, MD of SCA Wood UK.