The TTF sent an alert to its members warning that the scammer went by the name of ‘Chris Mansfield’ and lied about being a representative of ESSCI LIMITED.
“While the email address they used seemed legitimate on closer inspection the domain name is misspelled,” the TTF said.
“We are seeing these types of scams with increasing regularity in the market and would like to remind our members to be aware of these types of scams.
“Members should seek to make absolutely sure they know who they are dealing with before undertaking significant transactions, and to be particularly cautious about situations where a sense of urgency is being created.”
The TTF advised that common giveaways of a scam will be an unusual email address behind what looks like a genuine sender name, a misspelled domain name, spelling errors, or suspicious attachments or links.
“Scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and it is important you seek to improve both yourself and your staff awareness of how to avoid scams.”
The TTF advised companies who think they are the target of a scamming attempt to report to ActionFraud – National Fraud and Cybercrime Protection by calling 0300 123 2040 or reporting it online. They also produce regular free- to-use guidance on how to spot scams.