For the first time the presidents of various trade associations, including the Timber Trade Federation, met together with construction minister Nick Raynsford at an event organised by the Construction Products Association (CPA).

The CPA, which was formed just over a year ago, represents the whole of the construction industry and chief executive Michael Ankers said that items discussed included disappointment that the government had not invested more in the built environment or addressed transport issues and concerns about the Climate Change Levy and whether it would work.

Another concern is whether the government will reduce VAT on house repairs and maintenance to 5%, a move the CPA believes will encourage people not to use cowboy builders.

Mr Ankers said: ‘As the CPA we meet the minister from time to time, but this was the first time we had met all the presidents of the associations. They compete like hell in the market but recognise there are things they can do better together.’

TTF president Philip Underwood said he found the meeting positive and constructive. ‘Mr Raynsford made it quite clear he is committed to the construction industry and recognises its importance to the UK economy. The Egan Report has struck a chord with the government as they see the scope for doing things more efficiently.

‘He stressed the importance of quality and value and not just bottom line price and for me and the timber trade this was reassuring. We are hitting all the right buttons in terms of sustainability, energy efficiency and prefabrication,’ said Mr Underwood.