Following installation of a new Homag machining centre, furniture, shopfitting and general joinery component specialist Starbank Panel Products has bought a Homag CNC router and edging machine to cope with the consequent increased production of more complex panel shapes.
The Warrington-based company has expanded rapidly over the past 25 years. In 1976 it had a 2,500ft[two] rented unit, today it occupies a 25,000ft[two] factory equipped with some of the ‘best panel processing equipment in the world’.
For panel shaping, drilling, aperture routing and grooving, Starbank had installed a compact Weeke CNC machining centre. But, while increasing processing capacity, this has also generated more business, notably – through its ability to handle more complex shaped workpieces – in the office furniture sector. In particular, Starbank faced a growing need to apply edging to shaped and profile components.
Rather than invest in stand-alone units, last year the com-pany opted for the new Homag BAZ stationary CNC centre, featuring automatic shaped edging. Both it and the Weeke centre are now flat out.
‘The direct result of installing the BAZ is that we’ve achieved a 57% increase in sales in the first quarter,’ said Starbank production director Philip Darbyshire.
In response to this growth, the company has just bought the new Homag BOF CNC router. This will boost capacity for heavy-duty shaped work with MFC and laminated panels.
The double-sided edging machine provides high-speed, single-pass application of a range of materials, including tape, 3mm PVC and solid lippings.