Scottish Woodlands Ltd has achieved transfer to the new international Quality Standard, ISO 9000:2000.

The forestry management company was the first of its type in the UK to achieve accreditation under the quality and environment standards ISO 9002 and ISO 14001. It was also the first in UK forestry to establish and run a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Resource Manager and Group Scheme for certified woodlands and wood products.

The company’s quality, environment and safety manager Rob Shaw said: ‘The switch to ISO 9000:2000 keeps us at the forefront in UK forestry. Preparation for the standard has enabled the company to look closely at its long-term strategy and to set targets for continuous improvement in each of its business streams.

‘With utility and railway works now a major part of our business, alongside our core activities of timber harvesting and woodland management, we will be looking closely at the new ISO 18000 health and safety standard.’