TRADA is re-inventing itself in an initiative that will see it revolutionise its relationship with members and adopt a more proactive, aggressive role in building markets for timber.

TRADA members heard the news at the association’s annual seminar, held in London on July 4.

TRADA Technology Ltd’s managing director Andrew Abbott said the drive “to do things differently” was in line with the Egan Task Force recommendations which had put construction under scrutiny to perform. “We intend to be ahead of the changes,” he told delegates. “TRADA is poised to help members profit from these new opportunities by influencing specification and increasing bottom line performance.”

“To deliver this role,” he continued, “we are taking two radical steps. We are investing in marketing to extend TRADA’s outreach and promote the benefits of membership and we are investing in IT to enhance the competitiveness of timber and the performance of members’ businesses.”

At the core of TRADA’s strategy will be a new website, askTRADA, which will be available from October. It will be a comprehensive knowledge resource prepared specifically for the internet and enabling members to access “everything about timber online”. This will include an archive of reports, specification clauses, a guide to timber species, a software facility offering design formulae, a ‘training’ facility to enable specifiers to pursue their CPD (continuous professional development), a suppliers directory and directors’ briefings, providing up to date information on industry requirements.

TRADA members will be given passwords from the end of October and, while some access will be members only, other areas will be free or offered as a ‘paid-for’ service.

Commenting on the new-look TRADA, its chairman Geoff Shaw said its revolution had been born from necessity: “Membership income continues to be under pressure from industry consolidation and it was clear that a thorough overhaul of our roles and objectives was essential,” he said. “Above all, TRADA has to be more vocal and influential.”