The results – and the lessons learned – from the unique TF2000 project – have been published by BRE.

The report – “Multi-storey timber frame buildings – a design guide” details design and best practice guidance based on the project which involved the construction and investigation at BRE Cardington of the world’s first six-storey timber frame building using the platform frame technique.

Although the guide focuses on aspects specific to the project, it is intended to be of interest to all those concerned with the design, construction and performance of timber frame structures.

Subjects covered include structural stability and robustness, fire safety, differential movement, construction benchmarking and construction process and building tolerances.

The TF2000 project was a collaborative R&D venture led by BRE and TRADA Technology, with joint funding from the government and industry. The guide is closely linked to codes, standards and building standards for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.