One of the first sounds I heard when I joined the BWF last May was the collective sigh of relief as the Federation’s membership approved the draft Code of Conduct. It had been a long time coming, not least because of the extensive, careful consultation processes. But if the pregnancy was long, the birth had been easy: the agreed text summarises sound principles and good practice and it commanded unanimous endorsement.

So, the job was done? Well, actually, no. Getting the right words for a Code of Conduct is the easy bit. It is much harder, and infinitely more important to ensure that the Code means something more than fine words and pious hopes to the BWF members and their suppliers and customers. We have spent the past nine months planning the implementation of the Code, so it becomes a living, working reality which members will value.

To do this, our goals had to be clear. The Code is not intended to catch out or punish people. It aims to set standards so everyone can recognise a quality woodworking business. When you see a company displaying the BWF logo, you should know you can rely on its products and service.

So we have now fleshed out the principles with more detailed guidance to illustrate what effective compliance looks like. This will form the basis for the assessment visits which BWF members have to undergo every four years to show that they are living up to their commitments under the Code.

Our goal is to promote quality and encourage its achievement, not passing or failing, sanctions or expulsions. We can’t shy away from telling a member that they fall short, but if someone doesn’t comply with any part of the Code, the BWF offers its services, expertise and contacts to help them reach the required standard.

By the end of this year, all our members should be in compliance with the Code or be working towards it. It won’t end there. As every parent knows, birth is only the beginning; the caring, working and encouraging never stops. The result will be a stronger woodworking industry that is recognised for consistently high standards in both products and customer service.