The Forestry and Timber Association has welcomed a revised code of practice on roundwood haulage which includes improved recommendations for load security.

The new code was launched at the Forestry Commission on March 11 by Allan Wilson, Scottish deputy minister for environment and rural development.

The revision process has taken three years and was undertaken by a specially formed industry working group chaired by Richard Scott of BSW Carlisle. The initiative was partly prompted by the forecast increase in timber haulage expected to result from rising UK harvesting levels.

Gordon Little of Iggesund, an FTA director and member of the working party, said: “The FTA welcomes and fully supports the revised code. It is essential to improve safe and efficient transport of timber products continuously and I’m confident it will be used to the full by all timber hauliers and enforced by the industry, police and transport authorities.”

&#8220By widening the application of the code of practice, communities most affected by timber haulage can see the whole industry striving to mitigate the impact of its necessary work.”

Jamie Farquhar, FTA director Scotland.

Jamie Farquhar, the FTA’s director Scotland, said that the revision sought to “widen the application of the code for the whole timber supply chain.

“By doing so, the communities most affected by timber haulage can see the whole industry striving to mitigate the impact of its necessary work,” he said.