New publications from the UK Timber Frame Association (UKTFA) are going so fast that the organisation is already having to get quotes for a re-print.
Separate brochures have been produced for three groups – architects, housing associations and local authorities, and the building and contracting industries and UKTFA members can order copies for their target markets.
UKTFA chief executive Bryan Woodley said: “They are going out at a rate of knots. We did a print run of 25,000 for our “Timber Frame – the Choice is Yours” brochure aimed at consumers and more than 15,000 have gone in the last six months.
“Indications are that these latest brochures will be every bit as successful. We felt it was important to recognise the different interests and needs of these key timber frame user groups.
“We know, for example, that for architects issues such as the integration of design, manufacture and sustainability in construction are vital.
“For private sector housebuilders we know that issues of project predictability, quality and cost control are important. For social housing providers we are aware that special concerns include ensuring low maintenance and low running costs. Our new brochures address these – and a host of other – user specific issues in relation to timber frame construction.”
Production of the literature has been supported by wood. for good.