The new multi-million pound National Rock Climbing Centre of Scotland is under construction near Edinburgh and 3,500m2 of Egger HDX heavy-duty chipboard has been specified as flooring.

The P6 high-density 38mm chipboard has been supplied as double-layered mezzanine flooring for a new six-storey outdoor pursuits centre which is being built within the quarry as part of the climbing centre.

The HDX board was specified because of its load-bearing and strength qualitities plus its sound reduction properties. It was supplied by Glasgow-based stockist MGM Timber to principal flooring contractor and installer Food Process Engineering.

Egger’s sales representative for Scotland, Alistair Shanks, described the contract as a major success for Egger’s HDX product range, and added: “It reinforces our ability to provide a top quality product for high profile, technically demanding applications.”