Timber engineering has been included for the first time in an SCA Product Knowledge foundation course which started at Harlow Bros, Loughborough on September 30.

Inclusion of the extra session reflects the needs of the businesses taking part which include delegates from Harlow Bros, Trus Joist, H&S Timber Systems, Theobalds and SCA.

Paul Harlow, director of timber engineering at Harlow Bros, said: “There’s a need to bring new blood into the industry and there’s an increasing demand for timber engineering designers. This course is ideal to give a general grounding to the trainees we are bringing on.

“We recognised that others in our sector might also have a need to provide a solid start for new entrants to timber engineering, hence our role in bringing this course together.”

&#8220There’s a need to bring new blood into the industry and there’s an increasing demand for timber engineering designers”

Paul Harlow, director of timber engineering, Harlow Bros

SCA Timber managing director Rob Simpson said: “Timber training has to be dynamic and flexible if it’s to offer a good economic and social payback for both the comapny and the trainee.

“Engineered timber products are certainly part of the industry’s future and as a promoter of training we have been happy to adapt.”