Garden product manufacturer Dandf has invested in a special Weinig high precision splitting machine configured to its needs.

The unique and key feature of the Unimat 23 SP is that the two vertical spindles, left and right, are slightly offset in an extremely compact space. Single and multiple blades saw the timber from both sides at the same time to split the material to as thin as 3mm if required.

The machine is currently being installed and commissioned and Dandf operations director Steve Heseltine said: “We are looking for better timber utilisation and to ensure top quality for our products. We expect increased productivity and to achieve greater efficiency in order to remain competitive and offer good value for money to customers.

&#8220When the new Weinig is installed the work will be done three times faster to a super finish and also providing better timber yield”

Steve Heseltine, Dandf operations director

‘At present, when timber is split to size it takes three passes on our machine but when the new Weinig is installed the same amount of work will be done in a single pass – three times faster – to a super finish and also providing better timber yield.”