Arnold Laver Timber World has supplied key components for an innovative community building constructed in 24 hours.

The building, a bowling club pavilion in Chesterfield, was constructed as part of a research project into sustainable building techniques involving Sheffield Hallam University and Chesterfield Borough Council.

The project, which featured in the UK Style channel Home wasn’t built in a day TV series, used a “rammed eartth” technique. The walls were made by filling a temporary timber and plywood formwork with soil from the site, fine aggregates and a small quantity of cement.

As the formwork was filled, each layer was rammed to compact the material and heavy section wall plate was then attached, with timber trussed rafters used for the roof. Services were then installed and the building finished off.

Arnold Laver supplied the rafters, constructional plywood, building timbers, fascia boards, treated roof laths, kitchen units, doors and decking timbers. Because of the research nature of the project, it provided all the products on a not-for-profit basis.

The building was constructed by a team of apprentices from Chesterfield Borough Council and trainees from Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce and Sheffield Timber World sales director Peter Howarth and area sales manager Paul Hunter liaised with the the project leaders on behalf or Arnold Laver.