To combat competition from rival industries, TRADA is to offer free access to core technical information on its askTRADA website.

The “carefully considered step” is aimed primarily at architects and engineers and is described as a “natural progression” by TRADA managing director Andrew Abbott.

He said: “The steel and concrete industries offer free information so it is important that the timber industry maintains pace and does the same.

“We hope askTRADA will become the focus for architects and engineers who expect information for free.”

Professional membership of the website among architects, engineers, surveyors and specifiers has increased by more than 30% over the past 12 months, but Mr Abbott said simply having information was not enough if the benefits of timber are to be promoted more widely.

He added: “People first need to know that information exists and then be given easy access to it in ways that encourage frequent use.”

Corporate and professional membership, available on subscription, will continue, but with more tangible benefits.

Mr Abbott said: “Opening up the core information to all is not entirely altruistic. The technical information we have to offer creates a valuable bridge between specifiers and the timber industry. The predicted increase in askTRADA visitor numbers will not only expose many more designers and specifiers to the versatility and benefits of timber, but also to the products and services of TRADA corporate members.

The website will be upgraded for 2004 and a photo library added. New services for corporate members will include the timberSTATS statistical service and Standards Tracking.

Mr Abbott said: “The backbone of the knowledge resource is, of course, research and TRADA will continue to apply membership income and government or industry funding to a rolling programme of practical projects.”