The timber industry faces many “challenges and opportunities” which it ignores at its peril, according to TTF president Geoff Rhodes.

Speaking at the North East Timber Trade Association (NETTA) dinner in Hull last week, Mr Rhodes said the industry could ignore the situation and suffer “steady and continuous decline in the face of competitor materials, or we can remain confident in our federation and in our sector and go forward with optimism”.

Estimates for 2003 suggest sales of timber and panels grew by 3.9%, a success, said Mr Rhodes, helped by the wood. for good campaign, but the competition had not gone away.

“The concrete industry is investing £18m in a three-year promotional campaign and the steel industry continues to energetically promote steel framed buildings,” Mr Rhodes said.

&#8220The concrete industry is investing £18m in a three-year promotional campaign and the steel industry continues to energetically promote steel-framed buildings”

Geoff Rhodes

The TTF was now looking at introducing a levy to fund promotional work.

NETTA chairman Richard Gore also stressed the need for “better quality PR” in the timber industry. NETTA , already “in discussion” with PR companies, is working with St Mary’s College, Hull, to develop a school curriculum course in softwood and is trying to establish closer links with universities in its area.