John Tong, managing director of Finnforest UK Ltd, was elected president of the Timber Trade Federation (TTF) at the organisation’s annual general meeting on July 14.

Mr Tong, who is the TTF’s 60th president, offered his “deepest thanks” to outgoing president Geoff Rhodes who had presided over the federation “during stormy waters with real panache and dedication”. He added that he had inherited a stable platform on which to build.

“We need a strong proactive federation that represents the best interests of all its members,” said Mr Tong. “Through the federation we need industry to pull together as one and appreciate that it is no longer acceptable to sit on the sidelines and criticise.”

In his final address as president, Geoff Rhodes said the new working party, which had been created to develop a new corporate strategy for the next three years, had met and aimed to complete its work for governing board approval in October.

“Last year saw the departure of our director-general and this working party will be examining the whole question of the federation’s future management structure and leadership,” said Mr Rhodes. “This builds on the streamlining of the federation’s financial management and auditing procedures, which are now more transparent and efficient than before.”

During the meeting, Charles Sherborne, who was re-elected as TTF treasurer, informed members that the organisation’s finances were “where they were expected to be” after the first six months of this year and that it should finish the year “on a small profit”.