A call for action to save the world’s forests was sounded at the XII World Forestry Congress in Québec.

More than 4,000 people, including foresters and scientists, from 140 countries were present for the week-long conference themed “Forests – Source of Life”.

A report compiled by researchers with the United Nations University said deforestation continued unabated despite past campaigns to preserve tropical rainforests. It blamed socio-economic issues such as political corruption, industry pressure and land use demands for the ongoing problems.

Corruption was cited as a major problem, and Indonesia, Russia and Moldavia were singled out as being countries where dishonesty harmed forestry management efforts.

Jacques Diouf, director-general of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisaton, said it was time for all involved to implement the ideas, principles and programmes of past congresses and other relevant global meetings to make sustainable forest management as “active and living reality”.