A raffle at the London Hardwood Club (LHC) new year lunch raised over £1,000 for the Turnstone Tsunami Fund launched earlier this month.

President Jack Furtado urged LHC members and their guests at the function to “dig deep” to help the victims of the Asian tsunami disaster, highlighting the strong links between the hardwood trade and the area affected.

According to Michael Buckley of Turnstone Communications, which set up the fund, it has so far raised a total of US$17,000. The money will go to a local contact in Indonesia. Initially it will be used to pay for urgently needed humanitarian relief. The longer-term aim is to help pay for a construction project in the region.

Contributions should be made payable to Turnstone Tsunami Fund and can be sent via the TTJ or the Timber Trade Federation.

  • At the LHC lunch, vice-president Peter Whiting thanked Mr Furtado for his support and service to the Club. He joined in 1956 and has served several terms as president. Mr Whiting will take over the presidency pending the decision of the LHC’s annual general meeting in May.