BLP UK, based near Doncaster, has been in business for nearly 100 years, developing from veneers to profiling and, in more recent times, to wrapping MDF profiles in real wood veneer, paper and PVC foils.

Marketing manager Tania Cheesmond explained: “We’ve been producing wrapped profiles for over 25 years, mainly for the furniture manufacturing industry. The kitchen and office furniture markets have seen the most growth, but we have recently moved into the housing market with MDF wrapped architectural mouldings.”

Wrapped profiles can be produced in lengths up to 4.2m and a maximum width of 200mm, in a variety of thicknesses. While the availability of each timber species, particularly in certain lengths or dimensions, could create problems, wrapped profiles eliminate this issue.

“We often find that the consumer or client would not even realise that they’re not solid timber and many regular timber users also fail to spot them when they’re fixed,” said Ms Cheesmond. “It’s usually only when the end section is seen that people recognise them.”

Environmentally there are many benefits to be had as well. “All our MDF has a minimum 40% FSC content and when reduced landfill use and the saving of exotic species is taken into account, wrapped sections can be environmentally beneficial,” added Ms Cheesmond.

Among many examples of the type of product that can be achieved was a recent batch of figured sycamore real veneer produced as a wrapped skirting profile. This would have been impossible to produce as a solid section and gave a unique feature to the client’s house.

“We’re trying to get the message across to merchants, housebuilders, shopfitters and specifiers that wrapped MDF mouldings are a real opportunity, which the end user will really appreciate, while giving added benefits in other ways as well,” said Ms Cheesmond.