Softwood timber production in Yorkshire and the Humber has the potential to grow by 70,000 tonnes during the next 20 years, according to a newly-published forest strategy.
The green plan, called “The Value of Trees in our Changing Region”, says processing more timber output in the region, together with timber imported through the Humber ports, makes economic sense and would create jobs. It says softwood production could increase from 270,000 tonnes to 340,000 tonnes within 20 years.
The strategy is published by the Forestry Commission and other partners, including the Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber.
It is primarily designed to help tackle health inequalitites in the region and mitigate the effects of global warming by planting more trees.
Strategy goals include growing tree cover and access to woodland near where people live; greater use of wood as a renewable energy source and in sustainable construction; protecting and improving ancient and native woodlands; and improving skills and business expertise within the forestry sector to promote economic growth.