A house made from structural insulated panels (SIPs) is to be constructed at the BRE‘s Innovation Park by contractor Geoffrey Osborne.

The building will be the fourth full-scale house at the park, which seeks to showcase innovative building technologies.

Geoffrey Osborne is one of nine winners of the government’s Design for Manufacture competition, which challenges the construction industry to design a house for less than £60,000 build cost. Innovare Systems Ltd is the company’s SIPs supplier.

The Innovation Park, located on the BRE‘s Garston site, is now moving into its second phase, which involves plans for a variety of public building demonstration projects, such as part of a school and a futuristic primary care facility.

The park was launched at OFFSITE2005, which attracted more than 4,000 housing experts.

Dr Peter Bonfield, managing director of the BRE’s construction division, said: “Interest in the park has soared since OFFSITE2005 and we are confident that this exciting new building will demonstrate some of the latest technologies available.”

Paul Ensch, Geoffrey Osborne divisional director, said: “This opportunity demonstrates our ongoing commitment to research and development and to providing innovative solutions to our clients.”