The campaign to highlight the safety record of building with wood got a boost at a special conference in Tallinn, Estonia where experts concluded that timber meets all the latest European standards on fire.
The conference, organised by the Forestry Commission Wales-led GATE – gaining added value for timber in Europe – project, drew experts from across Europe who pointed out that timber construction meets all the current standards for the prevention of fire spread.
GATE is a five-nation project supported by partners Wales, Germany, Poland, Slovenia and Estonia. They believe that fears over fire are one of the main misconceptions that make planners and architects favour brick, block and steel building techniques over time-saving timber construction.
GATE project manager Anne Roberts said: “The key to the success of timber building is compartmentalisation, using fire doors, good heat insulation and making sure there are no gaps between rooms.”
She said timber buildings could stay standing longer than other construction methods and added: “Now what we have to do is convince the construction industry, policy makers and home buyers across Europe that timber is a modern building material that is literally as safe as houses.”