The long-term future of Sea and Water, the industry-led oganisation which champions water as an alternative way of moving freight through the UK, has been secured.

Transport minister Dr Stephen Ladyman has awarded further funding for the scheme, saying his government recognised the importance of shortsea, coastal and inland shipping as a way of reducing road congestion, lessening the environmental impact of moving freight and improving the overall efficiency of the UK’s transport network.

Sea and Water chairman James McConville said the new funding clearly demonstrated the seriousness with which the government took the organisation.

He said that by the end of the year Sea and Water would have produced its first major water-freight publication, launched an on-line water-freight database and information system and set out a clear policy agnda.

He added: “We have a lot to do if we are to encourage a significant amount of freight off the roads and onto the water and with continued government backing and growing industry support I believe Sea and Water can make a real difference.”