A series of conferences aimed at expanding understanding of wood construction in Japan and China are being organised by the European timber industry.

Timber building experts from Europe will dominate the list of speakers at the European Wood Days in Tokyo on October 25 and Beijing on October 27.

The events, organised by industry collobaration European Wood, is ultimately aimed at increasing the use of wood in the two countries.

Jan Söderlind, managing director of the Nordic Timber Council and chairman of European Wood, said; “There is lots of interest in Asia for the expertise and architecture we have in Europe for wood building. For the European sawmill industry, the potential of Asia is enormous.”

“Dry building” will be theme for the Japanese Wood Day, with the emphasis on protecting timber and building sites from moisture and use of kiln-dried wood.

In China, the conference will focus on sustainable building systems for low and high buildings. Speakers will show how wood can help to solve structural problems, shortages of building materials, the energy crisis and improve quality within the Chinese construction sector.