UPM has received two awards in a Finnish national environmental competition for its chain of custody management model and a responsible wood sourcing project in Russia.

The company’s chain of custody system won the environmental leadership category in the competition, organised by the Finnish National Fund for Research and Development, while a commendation was received for the Russian project.

Päivi Salpakivi-Salomaa, director of UPM environmental forestry affairs, said: “These award-winning projects provide UPM with daily tools for tracking the origin of wood. The management system also allows UPM to increase the proportion of sustainably certified fibre on the market.”

UPM says its management system is the first global model incorporating all main forest certification schemes and is in operation in the UK, France, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Canada. The company aims to harmonise chain of custody models in all its mills across the world.

The Russian project is designed to improve wood sourcing transparency and co-operation between UPM’s stakeholders.

The environmental competition is part of the European Commission’s European Business Awards for the Environment 2006.