Dallas Mithen, who had a distinguished career in the Forestry Commission, died on February 20.

Born in India in 1923, Mr Mithen joined the Forestry Commission in 1950 after graduating from Bangor. In 1968 he became deputy surveyor of the New Forest and conservator for south-east England. He did a great deal to reconcile the various interests in the New Forest and to arrive at lasting agreements.

In 1971 Mr Mithen became senior officer for Scotland and conservator for West Scotland and in 1975 he was appointed director, forest management division. The following year he was appointed a forestry commissioner responsible for four divisions – harvesting and marketing, research, estates and engineering. He was made a CB in 1983.

In his retirement Mr Mithen’s skills as a chairman and his ability to involve people were put to good use, first as vice-president from 1982-1984, and then president of the Institute of Chartered Foresters from 1984-1986. During this time he made a significant contribution to formulating the laws, bylaws and regulations for the grant of the institute’s Royal Charter. For 10 years he chaired the Forestry Training Council and was a trustee of the Central Scotland Woodland Trust.

Mr Mithen is survived by his wife Avril, his daughter Jane and son Chris.