The TTF is hosting a consultation event in London on April 6, featuring officials from CPET consultants ProForest, as part of research funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs entitled “Identifying barriers in meeting the UK timber procurement policy”.
Andy Roby, the TTF’s head of environment and corporate social responsibility, said: “ProForest is actively seeking opinions from the trade. This is a great opportunity to put in some feelings from ‘the coalface’”.
The Federation has also circulated ProForest questionnaires to members, aimed at gaining feedback from the UK timber industry about government timber procurement.
The questionnaire, which will feed directly into government timber purchasing policy, asks companies what difficulties they experience in meeting government requirements and whether they are asked to provide legal and/or sustainable timber.
It also asks if government timber procurement policy is easy to understand and comply with, plus whether the policy has had positive or negative impacts on businesses.
Completed ProForest questionnaires must be returned by March 31.