Due to run for one year initially, the project is being funded by Norbord, Smartply and resin supply company Huntsman.

The campaign, the first of its kind for the WPIF, aims to dismiss common misconceptions about OSB’s usability and strength and to promote its use both as a structural building panel and for general non-structural building work.

“OSB is widely used as a strucutural building material both for roofing and timber frame systems,” said Alastair Kerr, WPIF director-general, “and yet it is still viewed with suspicion as a general-purpose material by some in the building trade.

“This is largely down to a few common misconceptions about the material, which is why we have embarked on an educational campaign to dispel the myths and promote the benefits of OSB as a cost-effective and often superior alternative to plywood.”

Mr Kerr said the companies involved decided to run the campaign as a generic one in a bid to combat the difficult market conditions for OSB. He added: “Time will tell what affect it has and whether it will grow.”

The advertising-led campaign will use the simple strapline “JOSB DONE!” across a series of messages on the material’s performance, quality and sustainable origin.

The advertising campaign will be backed by public relations in the end-user and merchant press and a website, www.josbdone.com.