Helveta’s TracElite system has been combined with technologies from Intel in a project supported by the Tropical Forest Trust (TFT), the Nature Convervancy and the US agency for international development.

Helveta’s chief executive officer Patrick Newton said he hoped successful trials in pilot locations would lead to a nationwide deployment of the technology.

“This is a highly important step for Bolivia,” said TFT executive director Scott Poynton. “TraceElite’s ability to provide complete traceability and transparency will bring enormous benefits to the Bolivian timber market.”

TracElite is being combined with satellite communciations, mobile wireless-enabled notebooks, servers, and radio frequency ID tags to form a tracking system which can provide “back to stump” traceability for logs from any point in the supply chain. Illegal logs can also be detected.

TraceElite is already operating in Indonesia while Helveta’s CIEarth inventory mapping software is being used in Central Africa.