The link-up will involve Danzer subsidiaries IFO in the Republic of Congo Brazzaville and SIFORCO in Democratic Republic of Congo seeking Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for their forest management concessions.

Danzer, which would become the biggest GFTN company of its kind, is working closely with WWF to draw up detailed measures for its own managed concessions, procurement for third-party suppliers and all sales of African timber.

Danzer Group CEO Joachim Danzer said WWF and Danzer joint efforts could make a significant contribution to stopping illegal logging.

“We also hope that our joint activities will lead to a better mutual understanding of ecological demands and private economic interests in conjunction with sustainable forest management,” he said.

“We believe that the co-operation between WWF and Danzer represents an important shift towards responsible forestry for some of the world’s most threatened forests in the Congo Basin,” said GFTN director Per Rosenberg.

The 1.3 million ha IFO concession is scheduled to receive FSC certification during 2008, while certification of five SIFORCO concessions totalling nearly 1.9 million ha will begin in 2010. The combined 3.2 million ha represents the largest concession area in Africa currently being prepared for FSC certification.