Through the unique partnership agreement, Daltons will become one of the first training affiliates for the Woodwise scheme, to be launched at W6 in October.

Woodwise is a low cost, work-based certification scheme, accredited by City & Guilds, to improve the competence of woodworking machinery operators.

Daltons sales and service personnel underwent a rigorous training programme delivered by Didac to develop their woodworking machinery training skills, and they are now able to offer in-house and on-site training to their customers with confidence.

The Daltons team, who were all experienced users of woodworking machinery, were given refresher courses on health and safety, followed by machine-specific training.

The training programme culminated in designated Dalton staff members passing the CIEH Professional Trainer Certificate, a recognised training qualification, and then the City & Guilds Learning and Development unit enabling them to assess competence.

“This is a significant investment in time and money by Daltons. It will enable them to confidently deliver woodworking machine training to their customers within the proven frameworks established by Didac,” said Didac managing director John Gibson.

Daltons director Francis Dalton said the company wanted to increase the scope of its services to customers by adding the provision of woodworking machine training, adding: “But we wanted to do it properly.”

Daltons and Didac now plan to write the learning resources and assessment criteria for band re-saws.