As a responsible tropical timber producing country, Malaysia has taken this step to support the EU FLEGT Action Plan. However, it is disheartening to note that even before any negotiations have taken place, some NGOs have already condemned the plans as “too naïve and baseless”. I would have thought that NGOs should welcome this development as a positive move towards countering the trade in illegal timber into the EU. Without even giving a chance for the negotiations to proceed and waiting to see the final agreement that emerges before making any judgment, NGOs have already passed a negative judgment on the whole process – hardly an encouraging sign to other tropical timber countries thinking about entering into similar negotiations with the EU.

Perhaps it is in the ingrained mindset of some NGOs never to recognise any positive moves or progress achieved by tropical timber countries moving towards sustainable forestry management on a phased approach. It would be better and more productive if NGOs could recognise and support any positive efforts by tropical timber countries to move towards combating illegal logging and trade and sustainable forestry management instead of just making criticisms and rehashing old accusations.

Despite the negative views of some NGOs, Malaysia will proceed with the negotiations with the EU to achieve a VPA which will ensure that all timber exports from Malaysia to the EU will be of legal origin.



Malaysian Timber Council, London